Matina Kouparitsas

Lawyer – Canberra

Tell us a bit about yourself and your time so far at MinterEllison?

I initially joined MinterEllison as a Vacation Clerk in 2021 before transitioning into the role of a Paralegal in 2022 while I was completing my law degree. I became full-time at the beginning of 2023, when I commenced the Graduate program. I have been very lucky to have spent the time I have so far at Minters, and have learned so much and met so many talented people, as well as formed strong friendships.

How has the firm supported you through your first years as a Lawyer?

The firm has been very supportive of me through my first year as a Lawyer. As a junior, there is so much to learn, and it can be overwhelming at times. Everyone at Minters from my buddy up to the Partner has been super supportive of my development, and have been really open to sharing their knowledge, and being really patient when answering questions. It makes a massive difference that everyone is so approachable to ask questions and learn from, and it has made for a really great working and learning environment. I have also taken part in the WISE mentoring program, where I was assigned a mentor from a different team that I have not yet rotated through. It is really helpful to have someone to ask more general questions about work in a trusting environment.

What has been a highlight at work for you?

I had the opportunity to attend an offsite client meeting alone for one of the major projects I have been working on (since I was a clerk!). It was a really good opportunity as it allowed me to build an in person relationship with the client, and really made me feel like the team trusted me. It also allowed me to have first cut of most of the work that arose out of that meeting, and was a great learning experience.

Dominique Steppa

Lawyer- Brisbane

What was it that attracted you to MinterEllison?

The firms’ pre-eminent industry reputation was always something that I aspired to be a part of. However, it was the positive word of mouth stories from people that had worked for the firm that originally sparked my interest to apply.

You’ve recently done a clerkship with us, how was that process and any advice for future clerks?

The clerkship process was very rewarding. If you have the opportunity to apply, definitely do so. My advice would be to make sure you embrace the program as much possible. While you’re there to learn about your possible career path, also make sure to take opportunities to connect with as many people as you can (don’t be shy to ask questions). Demonstrating an eagerness to engage and learn is crucial, but stay true to yourself – Minters genuinely encourages everyone to remain confident in their own unique skills and experiences.

What rotations have you done?

As a clerk, I rotated through the Workplace and Construction teams. As a graduate, my first rotation was within the Competition, Risk and Regulatory team and my second rotation has been within Real Estate. Throughout my rotations, I have been fortunate to be exposed to a wide range of matters, both transactional and litigious, and work alongside lawyers with extensive expertise in each subject area. Each rotation provides an opportunity to develop a different skill set and network with people across the firm. I feel very lucky to have had the chance to rotate through different teams and believe it has been an invaluable foundation for my career as a lawyer.

Francesco Barrese

Lawyer – Melbourne 

Tell us a bit about yourself and your time so far at MinterEllison?

As a proud Italian-Australian, I cherish family, food and I’m always down to talk anything soccer. I started at MinterEllison two years ago as a clerk and continued working as a paralegal during my final year of university. I’m now an admitted lawyer having rotated in the Transactions Solutions (M&A) and Environment and Planning teams, and I am looking forward to new and exciting experiences in my third rotation.

Can you share some of the key skills you believe were crucial during your clerkship?

I think some of the key skills that helped me throughout the clerkship were:

  • Enthusiasm and positivity about the opportunity and work given to me. Enthusiasm can be infectious, boost the morale of others, and make challenges manageable!
  • Attention to detail. Legal work often involves intricate details and it’s important that your work isn’t undermined by silly mistakes or oversights.
  • Curiosity and a willingness to learn. Asking questions and having conversations with people is a great way to learn more about an area of law and the corporate world (and also get to know people on a human level - it’s not all about work!).

Can you share a memorable experience from your clerkship that had a significant impact on you?

For me, the highlight was the clerk social events and team interactions. Although some find the prospect of making friends with 30 fellow clerks overwhelming, I was fortunate to clerk at MinterEllison at the same time as my partner and one of my best friends. However, any perceived advantage I thought this would give me was nullified because of the strong camaraderie among the clerks and how easy it was to get along with everyone in the teams I rotated in. These experiences highlighted the firm’s friendly and down-to-earth culture that sets it apart and influenced my decision to undertake my graduate program at MinterEllison.

Damian Wang

Graduate Consultant – Melbourne

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I have been a part of MinterEllison for just over a year. Coming straight out of University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce and a Computer Science Diploma, I joined the Technology Consulting Graduate Program in Melbourne in February 2022. I have always had a fascination with technology and its ability to enhance our everyday lives. Working in and around technology on a daily basis allows for my work to closely align with my interests. Coupled with the commercial and business aspects of Tech Consulting, this work has allowed me to utilise and further develop all my knowledge that I acquired during my university degree.

Tell us about your experience in the Technology Consulting graduate program?

If you live by the mantra that “Variety is the spice of life”, then the Technology Consulting Graduate Program is the place to be. The program has allowed me to work across multiple projects with a plethora of different people each bringing diverse expertise. I have developed a variety of skills whilst enhancing my  Technology and business acumen. Sometimes it can be intimidating starting your career, however I have received an abundance of support to ensure I am fully supported at my first full-time job. A strong emphasis of the program has been on long-term development that extends beyond its one and a half years and I feel confident in the career paths offered by MinterEllison once I become a consultant.